Had this guy for a while. LOVED his bawlmouth. He literally could vibrate your entire body when he opened up during feeding time and you were within 10 feet of him, lol. He was silent on track, seemed to have a good nose on him. He struck a few, just wasnt as fast as my other dogs. He struck about a 150# sow with my walker hot on his tail before this photo, he opened up and everybody flew, my Bleu dog and Lb gyp caught it. Aboslutely loved listening to him. Had to give him to a friend because my (now) exhusband couldn't stand his mouth. Wish i couldv'e kept him but at least I get to hunt with him still on occassion
Don't know how he is bred but folks have said he looks Gascon bred because he is so tall and big, he is about 80# lean.