Dog fighters are called scum bags. Chicken fighters are called scum bags. Some deer doggers in Tx are called scum bags and unethical hunters. Guess What....Hog doggers sometimes get called scum bags too.
ok, so since im kinda slow witted, are you putting hog doggers in the same category as dog fighters and chicken fighters?
LOL..Not at all, Only trying to point out another perspective, that there was a time when they were accepted. And I am sure they probally thought that their sport would not be outlawed, just as we hope ours will never be. If we don't stay active in whats going on in the poitical side of things and police our own bad apples that are giving hog doggers a bad name, we may be in the same boat as them. At least thats what I was trying to say. It was not aimed at any one in particular and I really did'nt mean for it to come out that way if it did, I posted it as just another perspective to be taken into consideration with an open mind on a public board. Either way I will also step out of this topic as, I don't see the point of getting into a WWW typeing match.
I just found it kind of disturbing that a person on a hog hunting forum would compare us to dog and chicken fighters.
Don't looked so hard into it and make it into something that it is not. This is usually the reason I stay out of topics like this. You make someone's friend mad and things can get REAL ignorant quick. I'm out of this one for now........