Cajunl this is not a recent pic of her but this is Tarbaby. She was right around a year old in the picture. Ya I think she got more of J.J than she did of monkey. I am fine with that I like rough dogs and don't mind the staple bill. My neighbor is a vet so I get antibiotics on the house also. He keeps me in good shape. She is rough as a Cobb. If you don't get to the bay fast enough she and one other dog will have the hog killed big or little don't matter. If it's a runner expect to have its hole in the butt chewed out when u get to it. I have taken her and gathered cows and she does an average job but her heart is in the woods hunting hogs. She does not have an exceptional nose but makes up for it beating the bushes finding them. We are thick similar to the terrain in east texas.