A friend is hunting with a pit and dogo down in South Africa, the pit is so HEATED even after the catch that he redirect after the hog is dead towards the other dog - literally jump on the dogo
(Which is a BAD move, since the dogo is not the one saying no to a fight either, but he wont start it).
It starts to destroy the other dogs temperament too, since he is ofcouse watching his back after the catch, so the situation develops.
He has to keep them appart for at least 30-40 minutes before the pit is down again. On some few hunts he had to quit after the first pig is down.
I guess this is not very typicial for a pit ?
The pitt is 10 month only and quite a catcher already. He hunts 4-5 times a month.
Any suggestions ?
i havent read the whole story but i say cull. or neuter and train it out of him. pits like that are what give them a bad name. just like our good bred hog dogs are natural hunters some pits are natural fighters because they were bred for that in the past and some still are. i would try to hunt him with a very good shock collar and when he shows aggression towards anything but a pig light em up and make sure its something he wont forget. but cut the balls off for sure