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Author Topic: Front Leg is RAW Need Help!!!  (Read 1250 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: January 07, 2014, 03:45:41 pm »

just a shot in the dark but you didn't happen to hunt him with a vest on recently did you?

the reason I ask is because I sold a dog to a "hunter" a couple years back........told the dude on the phone before I ever met him straight up that I would buy him back if he didn't like him and that I didn't run the dog with a vest.......so what did he do.......you guessed it, he bought the dog then took the dog hunting that night and put a vest on him, I got a call at 4 in the morning saying i had screwed him and callin me all kindsa names cussin me saying i got him and it wouldn't happen again and the dog needed a bullet blah blah blah until I reminded the genius that I said I would buy him back......I drove over an hour from my house after hunting all night and dropping my dogs off to go pick him back up, when we met it was still dark and I was pissed to say the least so I didn't say hardly a word to him, handed him his money and grabbed my dog........I loaded him up and went home.......... Once I got home and got him out of my truck I noticed he was acting funny and walkin pretty gingerly, thats when I noticed that both of his front leg joints were rubbed completely raw, and big blisters under his skin on both of his legs............

long story short that dude put a vest on him that was too tight and it rubbed him bad raw.......... vetericyn a couple times a day cleared it up

some of you will remember this, he was the SAME GUY that was hunting his friends dog and ended up selling it behind his "friends" back and lying to his "friend" saying he lost the dog in the woods..........he tried to sell me as well as another member in my area that dog, we ended up putting 2 and 2 together once a different member posted on this forum looking for his dog.........it was a big ordeal.


"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
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