Ole tex baying his ass off haha.
I tell you what that dang little Tex is a hog baying fool man . I got a good video of him that I cant put on here because Ole Tuff was hanging on the hogs ear ahahahha . But when that boar hog blowed out of that hey ball he was living in , he came out of there like lightning and ole Tex The Midget Warrior was right in front of him and he could not get away from that boar hog but he was running like hell and he was right between the boar hogs front legs and they were running wide open it was some kind of funny stuff man . Ole Tex was raising some kinda hell I like to hit the ground laughing so hard and when he did get out from between that boars front legs he was one pissed off little midget let me tell you now ! LOL
I will holler at yall if I can make myself get that gyp bred dang it man I just don't want to do it but then again I do am back and fourth man big time .