mrsla my buddy tried that by going through the game warden and the dallas police dept . and he was told by both sorry there was nothing they could do to enter the property and get the dog without proof he had it . well how you gonna get proof if you can't go to the dog pen and see ? my buddy saw the man going down the road when he took him and can tell you exactly where he turned off the garmin . very screwy deal but it ain't over yet , it's making the injun come out in me lol .
I hate to say it but....
I'd be staking out that p.o.s.'s house....wait for him to leave.....and go get my damn dog back. What's he gonna do? Call the cops and say someone stole back a dog that HE stole to begin with?? Y'all got photos for proof.....whoever went to take him back,, I'd carry the photos with me in case the law did show up for any reason.
That's just me....I don't play when it comes to my dogs.
How far does this 'person' live from y'all?