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Author Topic: Barking on track  (Read 2185 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: January 23, 2014, 08:40:17 pm »

A MILE is a long ways, Reuben!

yes it is...if the wind is just right and channeling a good dog can and will do it...I don't hunt much right now and when I do we don't have that opportunity because it is mostly woods with lots of palmettoes but out in those big ranches that have woods and open meadows a hog scent can carry far...but I also watch my dogs and if I see one pick up his nose to the wind and then they go into the brush and make a circle and come back out I will look and see why the dog can't go to the hog... sometimes the wind is carrying the scent over the brush so when the dog goes in he loses it...dogs don't reason like we do so as the handler I go deeper into the wind and brush until the dog picks up on the scent again and goes to the hog/hogs...the mile winding was unassisted only happen one but it is a feat one won't ever forget...

one day we were headed back from a long hunt and one of my pups picked his nose up into the wind and way out there was a patch of cane directly upwind and I knew it had to be holding hogs but my wheeler was acting up so had to make it to the truck...but that one is still on my mind...just won't know for sure on that one...but his bloodline is right for that type of winding ability...

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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