Crackerc, I've loved them catahoula dogs since I was kid. My kinfolks up out Winnfield, LA free ranged hogs for generations... just called them cur dogs. Unfortunately, when I got started hunting with dogs, they had been out of it for a while. I'd love to have some my uncle's dad's old dogs. They all were built and looked like my old Blue dog, block headed leopards with crazy colored eyes.
Thanks for the kind words Matt and Chris. I know I've told y'all a hundred times... but you should have seen him hunt before the brucellosis took his jewels. Imagine the black dog's hustle with his nose and bottom.
Was he a perfect dog... no. His main drawback was when there were too many people and too many dogs on a hunt. I drug that dog all over the state and hunted in just about every type of terrain you could imagine and he produced hogs. Helluva nose and could be hunted any way you wanted to hunt him. Not always, but a great geal of the time out struck any other dog on the ground. You'll never see me brag or talk up any of my dogs, but since he's dead and gone I guess I can say a few good words about him.
Two other dogs that in my top three favorites would be Mr. Mason's Daisy Blue and old man Herman's Blue Eyed gyp. Both outstanding dogs that have produced more hogs than anyone cares to count.