i'd have to name 2, and they'd would have to be Mr. Mason's Daisy Blue and Krystal's dog Lotto. that was my first experience hunting behind some for REAL hog dogs. i'd never hunted behind dogs like that before, EVER. i've hunted with some pretty decent dogs but that was definitely my first time hunting behind GOOD dogs. i'll never forget that day for sure. i don't know if ya'll ever felt this way startin out but it was like a light switch went off in my head and i thought "this is how it's supposed to be", dang good day for me.
favorite dog i've ever hunted behind and came up empty was a dog owned by Derek Ensors brother.... CoCo. i ain't got any pics of her, Krystal might. we didn't get on any hogs that day but she was a definite workin dog, had a lot of hustle to her for her being kinda small. didn't worry about what the other dogs were doing that dog was hunting come hell or high water.