actually the term LOCKED JAWS better suits the dogs ability. for example I have seen a dog DEAD still hung on a hogs ear LOCKED. and you had to use a breaking stick still get him off. break stick=key to getting him off. because im pretty shure determination stops after death. lol ;-)
With all due respect, it sounds like you're using the false term "lock jaw" in place of the proper term "in hold." I too have been around bulldogs for quite some time.
Here is the definition of "lock jaw," and it is NOT what a bulldog has. A bulldog has a powerful bite, and the will to stay IN HOLD for as long as he can until he is broke off with a break stick.
Lockjaw can refer to any of the following:
Medical conditions and diseases:
Trismus, a pathological condition in which the mouth is held shut by sustained spasm of the masseter (jaw) muscle, often observed in cases of tetanus.
Tetanus, an infectious disease of the central nervous system.
Us owners of bulldogs in today's day in age try to use proper terminology. Using terms like this is what spreads ignorant rumors and falsehoods about the breed that once again, fuels not only the BSL agenda, but ignorant "pit bull" haters.