« on: February 13, 2014, 07:34:11 pm » |
Hell dont feel bad about posting this we will beat the hell out of it some more LOL.
You know everybody is different and everybody has different types of dogs . One guy says he has the best the other guy says he got the best. Ruff , Catchy, Loose , Back Off, Bottom to no end and this and that and this and that. I say who gives a damn ! Its all Rooty Poo man . If you got dogs that catch you hogs most the times you go out then those dogs are as good as the next mans . Hell his dogs may not catch hogs like yours in your conditions and yours may not catch hogs like his in his conditions again who gives a hoot, its all Rooty Poo , Mickey Mouse you need this you need that how the hell do you know what is best for me when you have never hunted with me are old so and so . So , if your dogs catch you hogs most the times when you go out you got good dogs are dogs good nuff to catch hogs whos to say his are better than yours are whos to say you need this are you need to loose this in your dogs.
A hog dog is a hog dog I dont give a damn were he comes from , who breeds him are how he is bred if he gets out there and finds you hogs and you like him the Hell with everybody else and what they think !
Just me !
The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !