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Author Topic: Newton boar hogs  (Read 3325 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2014, 03:37:43 pm »

I just now saw this because I dont get on here much any more.  Justin, im so proud that Camo is doing good work for you.  He was always a good dog for us too. The only reason we gave him and his brother up is because it was time to make room for the nexr generation. Im so glad that you keep us udated on how he is doing. His dad came from a local woman who is in her 50's now and is keeping her grandfather''s line of east texas curs going.  Camo's dad (Foot) passed away. We only got one litter out of him. Of that litter we kept two males and one female. All three are making good dogs. Both males now belong to friends and we still have the female (Penny). We bred her back to our old male (Red) and we kept three out of that litter.  They are seven months old now and all making me proud. Im in discussions now with the woman who Foot came from about maybe a future breeding of her old dogs to replenish her line. Im keeping my fingers crossed.

Mrs. Dinah, like I told Mr. James yesterday, I absolutely couldn't be happier with Camo, he has FAR exceeded my expectations and is making one hell of a co-lead dog with smoke, when those two are both healthy they are a force to be reckoned if I could just get them on the same time off list i would be in shape  lol, seems like this year when one is healthy the other is on the mend lol but i've got some fireballs coming up quick that are well on their way to earning a spot. You will laugh but I can honestly say I have had over a 1/2 dozen folks try to buy him off me since I got my hands on him lol.........this boy is just like that ol mutt smoke, they wont be leavin this yard............. O and if you want a great laugh ask your husband about what camo pulled on me yesterday in the middle of a rock road 400yds on the other side of a locked gate with a no trespassing sign.......all I could do was laugh!


"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
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