he did ask how long you would have land to hunt in Colorado county. he ask bout ear tags.
I don't think them ear tags is what keep the cattle on the property, I believe its the fences, so the effects of the ear tag and the hog crossing property lines and being fair game not related
I was thinkin that low in the ear would low for less chance for limbs n such to grab and pull the tag out. im fixin to shoot some low in the ear and hope they hold.
Thanks for sticking with the subject Charles, I was thinking low would work best too. I just wanted something to talk about when the idea came across, didn't want to piss folks off about government issues. Just thought it would be cool around here since atleast 30 people are running pigs in my little town. Be cool to see where they would migrate to or choose to stay even under pressure. Marking is what we do now and we saw a knotch just like ours but wasn't a pig we caught.
NOW. Is there tips to making a mark original, and won't look like dozens before?