Knock knock. Here's my card. It works.
Sometimes potential hunting land has no house/s near by or the owners dont live in the state. Well in my area thats the way the crop land is.
Where there is a crop there is a farm hand. If not there is a grain dryer or seed store or tractor dealer or parts house. These are the places u contact farmers. Get to know people at these places if u want on farm land. When u ask to hunt ask the land owner or one of his men to join u. Like this he don't have to give u a key and he is more comfortable letting an unknown person have access to the thousands and thousands of dollars worth of stuff that could come up missing. This is a real concern with farmers. If he or his man joins u it helps u as well also. He knows the area hogs frequent. He probly knows where they were this morning or even a few hours before u got there. If u have a runner he knows which way to go to get to them. He knows where u can cross drains or fences u don't,