« on: March 07, 2014, 03:30:56 pm » |
This is a good little read and once again I find myself on the same page as Reuben. Justin you were fortunate and evidently wise enough to realize your good fortune in getting the stock of dogs you have. My thoughts are this though, who is gonna carry all these dogs on to the future. You alone can produce good dogs because (1) you started with good seed stock, (2) you were mentored by breed savvy people, (3) because you know what you want and expect from your dogs because you've paid your dues and you use them. But, not everyone out there has been that lucky. When these mentors are gone so goes their knowledge. My next thought is that lets say that you raise a few litters over a given time period to be able to carry on your breeding program. Now the excess pups you have after picking for yourself have to be dealt with. Say myself and a couple other folks hear that you are the man to see about yella dogs and all of us want your blood. You have to decide whether or not to allow any of us to get our hands on it. Let's say that of the three of us, one is an experienced hunter, the next one knows just enough to spout the lingo and sound legit-ish, and the last one is brand new. We can all get the same set up from you to start our own little program. In a matter of just a few breedings, a person could go to each yard and hunt with each person and not be able to tell that one yard was at all related to the next. People like different things and breed towards their likes and sometimes it has little effect and sometimes it's drastic. I guess my point is that it's a lot easier to ruin or change a breed much less a family in a breed than it is to improve or maintain them because of all added variables of our modern times. I hope I didn't come across like a jackass Justin. I mean absolutely no disrespect to you. I was just using your comment as an example to express my point.