If you got the best bred bulldog in the world from all tested lines yes you got a loaded gun but also what you got is a stable loaded gun . If you got some scatter bred Banger BS bulldog are some bulldog you know nothing about you also got a loaded gun except now you got a unstable loaded gun with deep mental issues threw all the scatter breeding its not like regular dogs are hunting dogs its different with bulldogs because of what they were bred for and many hundreds of years . Now this people is what a unstable bulldog is and yes you may have owned him for five years and yes he may have never offered to even look at you wrong . But then one day out of the blue this dog comes unglued for no reason and it don't take but one time around a kid are anybody really. All this chit in the news papers, news channels , internet news I can almost guarantee you its because of the reason I just wrote . I cannot even think of one time it was ever from a real breeder of bulldogs . That's the difference folks in a loaded gun and a unstable loaded gun !
The thing about a loaded gun is this...a loaded gun, in and of itself, has never...ever caused any problems. Now, you put an idiot in the same AO as that loaded gun and somebody is gonna get hurt...
Yes Double Jeopardy ! Idiot handler that's probably unstable himself and Unstable Bulldog . You got a ticking time bomb !