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Author Topic: When your a THIEF!!!!  (Read 3258 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: May 01, 2014, 02:20:23 pm »

Ya really hope this was a lesson learned. Kinda hate to do that to a couple high school kids, but if the police is all they have to worry about now then they are better off. Kids better be glad we found his empty truck and not him in it with our dogs. I mean Alittle jail, probation and some community service sounds a whole lot better then 2 dudes who've had there fair share of trouble kickin on your gums. If all we accomplished was gettin what was ours back and teachin some punk that you can't steal then I'm satisfied. Anything else that comes from it is secondary to the life lesson that little number 2 learned last night. He knows for sure if you steal from us, then whatever it takes to get it back is what we'll do. And I'm happy to say that after 70 miles of driving and 7hrs of bs, they are home and that's all that mattered to us. Just wanted my partners dogs back. Nothing more, nothin less.

SCREW THAT, age has nothing to do with this..........they deserved to be throw in jail immediately, F em! they did the crime they should suffer the consequences........... lets not forget that on top of stealing the dogs they trespassed in order to do steal em........... They got off WAY too easy in my opinion, I hope the law does in fact get involved and they have to suffer the consequences.

"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
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