And that's why I don't post pictures or videos. Out here in Loxahatchee we use to be able to train dogs in the yard till our city folk neighbors moved in. They claim to love the country aspect of where we live yet they don't like farm animals " the smells or sounds" and they cut all the damn trees out of the yard. I can't wait to move out of fl.
Funny thing about city folk. They all love the country but always want to turn it into the city.
Sir that's the truth. It's sad that a company called minto just bought the last big farm here in Loxahatchee. In the next 10-15 years they are going to build 6500 homes. Most of us are trying to stop this from happening they have already been approved for 2500 homes. In the past two years we've gotten our first gas stations and we just got our first Mcdonalds. We have one high school that's already over crowded. And we mostly have two lane roads and only two ways in or out. It's sure is sad that all of our dirt roads are now paved. Can't even ride our horses out here without some jackass flying past you not slowing down one bit. Sorry for the rant. Just makes my blood boil.