Dear Mr Oconee,
You could care less about a lot of stuff apparently. I didn't address you in this thread or the last time you started puffing your feathers up like a little banty rooster. I don't have to tell you my source or describe my dogs to you or fulfill any other of your childish demands. When they pass a rule about not speaking freely on this discussion forum . . I'll start minding my own business just like you do. But until then my definition of classy isn't selling mixed breed dogs as registered Plotts just because someone sold em to me that way. I quit registering my Plotts when I learned of just such a dog in their pedigrees. Does integrity not count when it comes to dogs? I'm not bound to your code of defending the honor of men I never met because we both own the same color coon dogs. What other crimes or frauds would you be willing to help someone cover up? Child abuse? Bank robbery? Every day I hear or read things from men who doubt the accuracy of registration papers. This is why. Because one man will lie about his pedigree for personal gain and everyone else supports him in case they might get the chance to gain as well.
I believe Edmund Burke said it best when he said . . "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Your friend in Plotts . .
Prey and Bay Dogs