Lol, you got me. I"m dealing with a LEGEND after all. All I'm saying is if you don't have anything good to say then maybe it best to just keep it to yourself. This is a public site and your are welcome to start and/or spread any rumors you've heard or read about, I just simply said it's not Classy to do so. If your want to make yourself heroic for alerting others about the shady characters within the dog world go ahead but I see it as an insecurity issue, thus supported by your "selfgreatness rant" you just forced on all of us.
Here's a question for you, HERO. Did you do all that tent-living and pizza-delivering for yourself or the dogs in your dog box? You have already answered with your self-glorfication speech and I will not lower myself any more so don't bother with typing another greatness letter. I give up, you win!
I'm sorry for starting all this crap and won't paticipate any longer.