I know it ain't the alpha, but here is cabelas deal on the 320
Not sure if it's a good deal or not, but if it is, will somebody say ya or na pls? I need to get another tracking system and can't afford the alpha, but like mike said, I like the idea of having 1 collar/handheld instead of 2
The 320 DC 50 combo is a pretty good deal, especially if you use their free shipping code. I just bought that bundle a couple weeks ago so we now have 2 320's.
I hunt with a guy that has the alpha. He also runs a 320 since he doesn't have enough collars for the alpha. I do like that system as it will track farther than a 320. Also has a lot more options on it that I like over the 320, but we get along fine with the 320's. We also run telemetry collars on our dogs as well, so we can generall keep up with them.