« on: December 06, 2014, 10:59:07 am » |
Had an old timer tell me this one time and it stands to reason, he said if they could find a big track and get it coming to bait they would keep putting out the bait and getting him coming in on a regular basis and would bring a pan or old hubcap and put out and start feeding him out of that, them they would get some bread, old biscuits or donuts anything that would absorb and put some beer or cheap liquor in there he said in their case they used shine bc if was easy to get, anyways they would basically get the hog drunk because he would eat all the bread before the alcohol could kick in. They would go cut his track the next day and you could guarantee he wouldnt be far and wouldn't run far. I'm going to try this out just haven't gotten around to doing it.