I got a work sharp for christmas a couple years ago i threw it in the closet figuring it to be junk one day i was bored and got it out its pretty impressive its not as good as a good stone but itl put a edge on one. The sand paper belts done last to long.
Yea, thats it. I could remember the exact name of it.
Georgia, i can get benchmade for 30% off for being a veteran AND the factory is right up the road from me in portland oregon. U find the knife u want, send me the money and ill get it for u and mail it to u.
My dad used to hav an old arkansas wet stone that would lay a hair floating edge on his eyebrand knives and would sking 3-4 deer including busting the pelvic bone. Them eyebrands are good german steel, but hard to get an edge on if it was jacked up. I cant find a good arkansas wet stone anywhere, SO, a med course/fine wet rock that the army tool USED to own somehow ended up at my house. It work so so, and will put a hair cutting edge on 1, but no where near as good as my dads old arkansas stone.
Tuskbuster, what do u use to start an edge and to put the final edge on the knives u build?