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Author Topic: trapping with a HOT SOW ?  (Read 954 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: December 16, 2014, 10:02:20 am »

back in the mid 1960's we didn't have any wild hogs in Edna, Texas...but a neighbor down the road had caught a wild shoat down by Laredo, Texas and he brought it to Edna and raised it as a pet...The man lived about 2.25 miles as the crow flies from us and we had a Duroc sow about 250 pounds that was in heat...the wind must of been blowing just right because that wild boar was circling the pig pen wanting in...My routine was to get up at the crack of dawn and step out to see if any coons, possums or whatever was out and about...if so I would sneak up with the dogs and they would try to catch whatever we were after before they made it to the big rose hedges....that morning I got up and the first thing I saw was that big spotted boar circling and I recognized him right away...I sic'ed my dogs on him and realized real quick he was going to hurt my dogs by how he lunged and threw that big head around with those big tusks...I called my dogs off and went and got my dad...he let the boar in and we had 9 or 10 piglets some time later...for years I wondered how far he had smelled the sow and I finally took a rough measurement with my truck odometer...there is no doubt in my mind a wild hog can smell a long ways with the right wind conditions...the weather was fairly cool those days and the wind had to of been blowing from east to west...

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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