Lol help dog Huh? Depends on how much he helps I guess... If that means he/she finds hogs every now and then, and is at every bay then seems like a good dog that needs a chance to be lead... If your "help" dog is just at every bay then you probably have a decent bay dog. Probably would still be a good idea to give them a few hints out in front to see whats really there. If your "help" dog just runs with the other dogs and doesn't do much and never struck a hog on its own then it's not much of a help dog is it? Lol Idk that I'd consider any dog 2yrs or under anything yet unless they are striking hogs already. Most dogs still have puppy tendencies at 1.5 - 2yrs old, so trying to put a tag on a dog that might become outstanding at 3yrs of age doesn't seem like a good breeding plan to me. JMO I like to see some sign of major improvement before 2yrs old, so if they're not doing much by 2yrs then I normally don't keep em. Now what they're worth....? Lol something my granddad told my dad, and my dad told me, is something is only worth what someone else will pay you for it. Just food for thought... We as dog men know what we'd like for our dogs to be worth, but getting someone to pay what we think a dog is worth is like wishin. Chit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first.