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Author Topic: ATF ban on certain 5.56 ammo  (Read 900 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: February 17, 2015, 08:09:07 am »

Its about the feds slowly doing an end run around the 2nd amendment. If they cant take the guns, they make the ammo unavailable.
Get ready for an attack on lead filled (what EVERY bullet except the ap, which alsohas in it) if the bill in cali gets passed. There wasnt a big article bout it, just a small exert, saying that cali is pushing for a ban on lead bullets for all forms of hunting and sports shooting.
So if steel core ammo is no longer legal and they ban lead filled bullets, what are the shooters of cali gonna shoot? And, as usual, when cali bans lead ammo, how long will it be before the goons in dc do the same nation wide.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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