Welcome to the site and the sport. This is a love heart breaking sport that can take you high as a kite and low as the gutters. I would get the best garmin and 3 collars first and then vest cut collars lead on and on when your dogs are ready to go I would suggest taking them with some good dogs first few times before on your own. And break them of live stock before you just cut them lose I would do this after you have let them work a hog few times so they know what they are after. Even on the first few hunts I would hold them back till the other experience dogs are bayed this will short cut on later training seems they will pick it up faster to me lol. When you are ready to try your dogs on there own get the best cd you can find this will pay off soon as your dogs find and bay and speed them up becuz of the reward of catching the hog. Good luck to ya and be safe
I agree...also turning the pups in to the bay reduces the chance of the pups running trash...turn them out on heavy sign...after a while they will be straight hog dogs...