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Author Topic: Can tension between bulldogs be fixed?  (Read 917 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: April 26, 2015, 03:48:01 pm »

My experience is once two dogs get into a scuffle.....the chances of it happening again are very likely.
You know your dogs better than anyone, so you have to decide what the best way to handle it would be.
If you're wanting them to spend time together supervised, in my personal opinion, I wouldn't stick them in a pen together. Its good to let them exert themselves somehow in each others company, such as with exercise.....walking them together is a good activity. Just remember, keep a break stick handy. I'd definitely never leave them unsupervised together ever again. I may catch hell for this but, I believe it true, that no matter how well trained a dog is.....genetics can overpower the brain If the situation arrises. 

agreed 100%

and as big nasty said too, been down that road before. kinda dealing with it now with a cur bitch and a dog bitch. the dog is a climber, she claimed into the adjacent kennel while i was messing with the pigs, and all hell broke loose them 2 females. can i say who started it, NO, i think my cur did, but the dog climbed into my cur's domain. the dog has climbed in for unknown reason reasons before, and the fight was on. then there have been times she has climbed in there and nothing has happened. the last fight, i did a little water boarding on both dogs, and since then, neither has fought, but i don't trust them anymore.

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