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Author Topic: BULLY KUTTA  (Read 7690 times)
Black Streak
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2015, 11:58:20 pm »

I think you missed UglyDogs point completely.      UglyDogs isn't concerned about color and rightfully so.   A working dog should be chosen on it's abilities and it's drive and hunt style and so on.     Color does not catch pigs or make the dog great in the working world.   Maybe in the show world but not the working world.   Choosing a dog for its color rather than its working abilities tells a lot of working dog people a lot about you.      This sight is geared towards working dogs not show dogs.      I hope I explained good enough without insulting.    That's my take on what UglyDog was conveying and if so I'm 100% in agreement.

Actually u missed the point. The two brothers who created the dogo thought that color was very important, surely in some instances more important than hunting ability, or else they could not have created a breed of dog that was consistently all or mostly white. color is exactly what they selected for along with many other traits they deemed important. So if you think it says something about me then it also says the same thing about the breeders of the dogo. Sure I prefer certain colors because they are easier on the eyes, but I have never chosen a dog based on color if thats what you are assuming. All things being equal, if I chose a pup out of a litter with different colored pups, I probably wouldnt choose white, does that mean im choosing a lesser pup? I dont think so, Ive raised litters up and the ones I think are going to be the best hog dogs in the end are rarely the ones I would have picked. Ive noticed I do pick the ones with the disposition I like accurately but not hunting ability. When your hunting at night Ive noticed big boars will target white dogs, and hogs that have a tendency to run will see them further off where its open and get a head start, I prefer dogs that are camouflaged to their surrounding. that being said I bet youd be surprised to know that my best dog is white and half dogo, I picked him for his disposition and he just happened to turn out to be one of the best dogs ive ever had. so no I dont pick my dogs solely on color, but I wouldnt knock a guy if he did, its a free country. whatever floats your boat, have at it. Maybe your that guy who rides around on a white horse like the lone ranger, or who stalks deer in snow white camo,Im not. Seems to me your post says something about you, that you assume a lot with very little information, and we all know what assuming does.....
    Your right, I'm not really following you at all.
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