I like the sounds of those dogs black streak.How do they hunt range and bottom wise?
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In general they are close range getting out to 250 and 300 in no scent. Stag will sometimes go twice that distance.
Far as bottom goes it's hard for me to say. Pigs don't get very far. 100 yards maybe if the pigs gets a good jump.
Grit- the dogs are expect to catch and hold a nice size boar 1 out. I don't intentionally send 1 dog to a big boar by itself but the dogs tend a lot to go for seperat hogs even when released together. They seem to prefer to grab their own in cases like this so I think they should be able to handle most any hog they come across. I'm not gonna throw a fit if one was to get racked off a big boar in the trees but in an open field I'd be kinda disappointed. I would prefer two dogs on 1 big boar though.