On a serious note it all depends on your opinion of what a good dog is then you can go from there....
Without a doubt!! It would be impossible to have this discussion unless we KNEW we were all in agreeance on what a "solid pack" is. Going and catching a hog doesn't really mean we're "soild." IMO
If I leave about half mine home I think I'm pretty "solid." Lol
As far as the "faults" discussion goes........ The more a guy can live with, the futher he is from a "solid pack." IMO. They all have faults but until you've seen dogs with few, you'll be content with dogs with many.
In short, if you want my ideal of a "solid pack" its gonna take over 18 yrs or your better than me. Still haven't built me a "solid pack" but I catch plenty of hogs and have a lot of fun. Good luck