« on: May 19, 2015, 02:34:34 pm » |
Different strokes for different folks but a dog that will bite goes to doggy heaven around here. I had a dog that i loved and he was a solid catch dog. Never saw any aggression out of him. One day he was laying in the truck and my brother went in there to get something and leaned over the dog, he nipped him in the face drawing blood. The dog was in a hole within the hour. I just personally won't take a chance like that. I Would feel like crap if I went on a hunt with some folks and one of my dogs bit somebody, especially a kid. Not to mention the possibility of a lawsuit being put on my broke a$$ . That's just me . I used to coon hunt with some folks that would ask if we didn't mind if they get there dog first because he was aggressive at the tree. Lol, hell no I don't mind, but if your dog bites me do you mind if I stick my foot down his also know a guy that had a black an tan dog that would even jump on him (the owner) at the tree. but for some reason he loved that dog and always hunted him. My walker dog knew better than to fight, several times he would fall treed first and Clyde (the mean black and tan) would go to him and jump on him before he ever treed, my dog would leave and then olé Clyde would start treeing. We got in several SERIOUS arguments about that. I finally told him if he brought that dog I'd leave mine in the box because he was llearning bad habits from that black dog.
Take your kids hunting and you wont have to hunt your kids