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Author Topic: Game bred American pit bull terriers  (Read 11943 times)
Catch Dog
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« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2015, 11:04:57 am »

I understand completely, maybe I should have worded my response different. I'll try to use my scenario instead of general scenarios.

I have a couple LG bred dogs. Very very few people outside of the REAL bulldog world have even heard of LG. LG's dogs are down off of Carver dogs. Sometimes when somebody asks how they are bred, I just say "carver bred dogs. "  I'm not sure why that would make somebody mad is what I'm saying. Not everybody knows of LG so alot of times I just say carver bred. Same with my Frisco bred dog, who all knows of Hotshot? Not many. So I just say a Frisco bred dog. Easier and less explanation unless it's needed. Does that mean that person doesn't know about how their dogs are bred? I say no.

That's a good example.  LG is a good friend of mine, I've known him for 25 years.  I had several LG dogs years ago and worked a couple dogs for him.  I bred to FLint a couple times and Trouble as well.  LG sent me a bitch to get a litter out of, it was either Thelma or Girlfriend I believe.  One of my favorite dogs I ever had was out of Trouble x Girlfriend.  I saw Tina, Leroy Brown, Flint, Son and lots of those dogs back in the day.  A funny story about LG's dogs.  My cousin and I had gone to LG's one Saturday afternoon to hunt some dogs.  We had a son of Diamond Jim's Luther (sired by Hyde's Satch) that we took down there to the baypen.  We were getting ready to leave and G-Man said . . "Do you young guys want to buy some good puppies for $250 a piece" ?  We took a look at them and they were in a pen, pretty colored white and brindles, etc.  We asked how they were bred and he said . . "they are out of my Little Man dog and my Miss Kim bitch".  We didn't recognize any famous dogs in the pedigree so we passed and told him we would get back with him later.  True story.  LG came to a BBQ I had at my house a couple years ago and we laughed about that story.

Best dog I ever had was a bitch named Lil Bobby out of Holland's Cadillac and Wiggles (wiggles was out of Leroy Brown x Tina).  DSK had a littermate to my bitch and they called him Pancho.  I bred Lil Bobby to WCC Ernie (Deacon x Joby) which I had on my yard for 2 years and got one male puppy that I named Fatboy.  I sold the dog as a half grown pup to Krazyside and I believe LJ got some good dogs off him, but not sure.

Another true story:  I used to go visit LG a lot when I would be working in Shreveport for a day.  He worked as sales mgr for a car lot at the corner of Lakeshore & Hearn.  We got to talking about Banjo one day and he said . . "Hell, I can show you a littermate to Banjo and BB across the street behind Church's Fried Chicken."  He said an old lady who lived across from the car lot had a littermate to Banjo in her back yard as a pet.                         
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