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Author Topic: BULLY KUTTA  (Read 7694 times)
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #40 on: June 25, 2015, 02:28:24 pm »

Mostly Ive just read great stuff about kuttas on hogs, I havnt seen any video evidence to back it up. but youd think if a whole region in the world uses them to hunt there must be some good ones. I guess our domestic breeds are probably better. I forget that most everyone on here is from Texas the hog hunting capital of the us. Not everyone has access to good hunting and good dogs. whatever those catch dogs were on that video, we dont have catch dogs like that around here that Ive seen. most everyone uses pit bulls because they can get them for free off craigslist and they are are all dogs bred for no specific purpose. I dont know anyone in california breeding and selling catchdogs. Out here we cant just go on bayed solid or or this website and find a dog in our area, sometimes there are some but they are very few and most often someones culls. I dont know a single person that has an american bulldog or a dogo. My catchdog is the only one Ive ever seen that doesnt hit the hog like a line backer or try to fight it or try to rip its ear off or regrips. Most of you on here dont realize how good you have it. Those dogs in that vid impressed me, I like how they went up to that hog slowly and latched on and didit regrip, I also like how tall they were, they would be able to control a large boar better that some small pits, Ive seen large hogs just run off with small pits hanging off it. You guys in texas probably come from hog hunting families, I didnt even meet someone who hog dogged til I was 38, its just a different hog doggin world out here.

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