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Author Topic: My Puppies...  (Read 11207 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2015, 09:16:25 am »

Thanks again fellas...

today the pups are 10 weeks old...it won't be long I will be working them a few times in the bay pen that my friend and I built a long time ago...

At about 5 weeks old I was dragging a rear chicken quarter to see how the pups would react and several locked down on it and others nipped and chewed...

well this morning on my first day off I turned them out in my back yard...after they ran around searching for treats in the yard and exploring I heard a ruckus just outside the doorway...

it was the 2 mid sized pups had one heck of a battle going for pecking order...one happens to be my favorite because of how he acts and searches...about the biggest negative about him was that he was one of those pups that bit and let go on the chicken quarter...the other pup was one that caught a good hold right away...I look for natural ability as most of you know...lol

They were really going after it while I just stood back and let them work it out...the one I like was always getting the worst of it...he was in a rage but biting and letting go made him not be able to get a good hold...the other pup was totally silent and very seldom lost his grip but always managed to have a good hold...this went on for a minimum of 15 minutes but maybe longer...they just broke it up no real big loser but I knew who won that battle...the winner is a little stouter built and built slightly better...he also has that natural lock down bite and he does not waste energy with his style...

I have learned over the years to let them work it out...the sooner it is settled the better...it is a part of nature for dogs to do this and at this age there won't be any damage or blood drawn...if we interfere it will be worked out later than sooner but it will happen unless constantly kept apart...

However, I do not allow fighting when eating out of the same bowl and the pups get along well together...I do not like dominant dogs that like letting all the other dogs know they are top dogs...these type usually worry more about being top dog than hunting...I like my dogs to like hunting and not worry about establishing dominance...so far I like all 4 pups...I like ears on a dog but these pups will have to do a lot of growing to grow into those ears... Grin

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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