Good pics of Kid Chris! Thanks for putting them up.
Thanks James, Pickle is still a good looking dog, and Doodle is built like a brick chit house! Lol she is definitely a jam up dog and we appreciate you letting her come to our kennels.
Krystal, I'm glad you approve of everything and I am honored to have the dogs. So glad you put a good word in for me with James for me to get PJ.
Mike... I'm jealous! Lol but seriously, thanks from all of us to you bud... So glad we have this avenue to be able to keep record of all the dogs and what they do, and how by do it. Also, thanks for being very receptive to me and all my questions over the years... You didn't know me from Adam when I first hit you up, but it was like we knew each other already.
Thomas, I couldn't be happier to do it bud. You already know I'll be calling you at some point with some off the wall questions... Lol thanks again bud.
And to all of you, thanks for paving the way, and making room for younger up-and-comers to be able to build a decent pack of dogs, and learn from some of the best in the game. I don't think it's said enough, but all of us appreciate y'all more than you know. Keep on keeping on, and don't hesitate to holler if any of you need anything. About dogs or not.