Some of the stuff a few of you have said makes me think the same of you as a guy around me who hunts and says "the best cross bred dogs won't ever hunt as good as the worst pure yella." He said this forever until he hunted behind a plott cur cross my buddy now owns.
Close minded people always sound ignorant when trying to justify close minded opinions.
Very true usually. I say usually because often times close minded redirect is articulated well by some and so sounds good and is taken as it's truth. But once people have read a dew good rebuttles to well articulated bs, they tend to pick up on the bs themselves. That's how I was anyway. Wasn't till a person or two would call the biased bs for what it actually was did I really start seeing such things for what they really were. I tend to think these people really belive what they say but I don't think it should be allowed to go unchecked and passed off as the way it is.