Well its nice to meet you Mr. Briar! And thank you for telling us how to act on a PUBLIC MESSAGE BOARD!! First and foremost you can kiss my ass and I don't give a damn what you think. If you want the read this BS and keep your mouth shut then do it! I'm not gonna sit here and listen to some clown feed me a line of crap that I know is ridiculous. I find it very insulting to be expected to believe the crap some of these guys post on here. Do you want to know who has there feelings hurt by me? People who try to feed me a line of BS. I personally couldn't live with myself if someone told me the sky was orange and I didn't have the balls to say "no, its blue." If any of you guys are looking for love and affection maybe ya'll should stand up on your own two feet and love yourself because I'm gonna stand up for what I believe is right and I won't wavier to accomodate some mental migits feelings. Mental toughness is elusive this day and age and its obvious by the way this liberal country we live in is bending over to kiss every cry baby's ass. Tell you what get some selfconfidence and I probably won't bother you so bad!