I always believe in a good debate, but this took a turn for the most ridiculous reasons, most of yall need to take a step back and remember why you first got into hog hunting with dogs and quit the pecker measuring, discussions such as this one are nothing more than the very blood pumping in the veins of destruction, can yall not step off of your own regional pedestals and see the division amongst hog hunters, over the most absolutely absurd reasons, who cares what style of dogs you hunt or what you consider a hog dog as long as your in it for the right reasons for the dogs and your goal is to breed a better dog for YOUR STYLE of hunting then so be it, everybody ob here just about lives in different regions and terrain, what works for one might not work for you, it's no different than fishing, one man tight lines, one jig fishes, one line fishes, the other prefers fly fishing all different "styles" of fishing but at the end of the day, guess what fellas, it's still fishing, or look at the quarter horse world, some are cutters, reiners, racers, calf horses, heal horses, heading horses, some run barrels, some run poles, other are trail ponies, at the end of the day their all still quarter horses, if a man runs cold nosed hounds with serious bottom, or a man runs casting curs that are gritty, or fast athletic dogs that stop their game on sight, when it's all said and done and at the end of the day every single one of them is going to chit the same, why knock one man because his style is different than yours, brothers and sister yall better wake yourselves up and learn to pat each other on the back and be gentlemen about your differences because it's not our government or anti hunters tearing us as a sport down, we're doing it to ourselves. What happened to honor amongst houndsmen ?
Well said Goose...