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Author Topic: need some of yall's input  (Read 2981 times)
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2015, 11:50:54 am »

Here's a link to an old thread on here.

I bred the second dog pictured in the thread.

It was a total accidental breeding...never would have set out to do it, but it happened.

Only four pups of the litter made it the first week. Of that I was glad because there were 13 born and I didn't know what the hell I was gonna do with all them damn puppies lol

Of the four I kept one, place two with close hunting buds and gave one to an old couple that we hunt for only because they demanded I do so because they wanted it. I knew it would be too much dog for them when it got older tho.

One of my buds was spooky and was culled, the other was dog aggressive to a fault and was culled. I was hoping the one I kept would be kinda a gritty baydog with a bit of hunt. We put him in a pen with a feisty decent size hog at about 5-6 months old And he went straight in and caught right on the ear. He is a natural.
I didn't want him as a catchdog because I have bulldogs for that so I have him to a mutual friend that's a hunter in a town that has outlawed pitbulls (bsl). They love him down there and he has made a hell of a cd.
The one the old couple had turned out to be too much for them and we rehomed it and it ran off lol.

All this to say that I agree with red and judge. Out of those four only 1 turned out. 25% ain't good odds just too many variables to work out with crossing dif breeds.

Now I did a recent cross with same dam that I set out purposely to do. I bred her to a game dog. I wanted to add some things that were lacking in the ab breed for hog hunting, and that is jmo, I know other folks like their fine. And I too like mine... I just wanted a touch more wind and better teeth among a few other things.
The dam is linebred from a proven catchdog line of abs, the sire is a game dog, but from a catchweight line and I saw his sire catch for many years and sine of his siblings as well. Yes, being gamebred, they are kind of a pain in the butt on hunts at times. But I figured the ab and line she came from, being known for their good temperament and handle would even that issue out. So far those pups are just over a year and they have turned out to be just what I wanted and expected/hoped for.
I think two similar bullbreeds that are individually line bred on certain traits and as similar as the standard ab and a pitbull can be crossed to produce a better and more predictable outcome % wise
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