All depends on a mans preference, I think a lot of people don't understand the difference between a dog with hunt and a dog with hunt and a handle.
This is exactly what I was referring too. You can put a handle on dogs so easy now a days with gamins & shock collars & now that they have the Alfa, piece of cake. All my dogs are trained to respond to the tone. If they are getting ready to cross over on somebody else's land or heading to a highway I simply tone them & they will start heading back. If a dog has no hunt, there is no way you can make him hunt. You can make him get away from you but he is not hunting.
Also what T Bob is saying, dogs that are just covering ground without looking for the game you have trained them on are useless. I want a dog that has enough of a motor to get out & look for a track, then trail that hog up & bay it.