I wish I was still in my 60s because I am 71. There is not alternative other than pushing up daises. Things just take a little longer than they used to.
Recently I had my right knee replaced because I was bone on bone. It came from a injury back in 73 to my knee.
I remember my cousins philosophy on life back in 1960. He said that if you could clear 100.00$ per week you had it made in the shade. He was right because a car note was just a little over 50.00$ and a 3 bedroom brick house note was about 85.00$ per month. I bought a Ford Ranger pickup (loaded) in 1972 for 3,652.00. I bought a Ranger bass boat in 1971 for 2,370.95. A Remington 700 BDL 7 mag was 106.00 in 1967 and a Remington 1100 3" mag was 115.00 in 1968. I bought a Ruger single 6 22 in 1962 for 62.00, a Springfield 1911 45 in 80 for 300.00, and a Cold Python in the early 80s for 300.00.
One of the things that I will never forget is when one of my friends came by the house in a 1958 Impala---this was in 1960 and it was like new. I couldn't believe it and asked him how much it cost and he told me 1,800.00. Then I asked him how much his notes were and he told me his dad paid cash for it. I took off running to the house and told my mother "you are not going to believe this--Mr. Clyde paid cash for Don's car". I was as surprised if WW3 started. I simply could not comprehend the idea that somebody had enough money to pay cash for a car.
picking cotton in the mid 1960's paid 1 dollar a hundred pounds...took me all day to pick a hundred pounds if I were getting paid...but I worked for my dad so I didn't get paid...