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Author Topic: Dog horn  (Read 4903 times)
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2015, 08:04:48 pm »

Funny thing happened to me today...

Not really funny but a really cool thing.
Just shows a persin how hog dog folks as much as we like to bicker really got each others backs.

My son and I were bringing my mother back to north louisiana from here in south louisiana after the thanksgiving holidays.
We stopped in vidaliia la for lunch after we crossed the mississippi bridge from Natchez ms.

We ate some pooboys at a seafood resturant.
There was an older couple sitting next to us that came in probably 15min after us.

I'd say the guy was in his mid to late 70s

As we got up to leave the guy hollered at me to come over.
I have a sticker on my truck back window that says hog hunter. Just  bumper sticker that came from tuskers I'm pretty sure.

Well the guy asked me if I was a hog hunter. I think he picked me out to sit by after looking back now...

He said he saw the sticker on the truck in the parking lot.

Well my mother went to the truck as we were leaving and I stopped and talked to the guy. My son walked my mom out because she has a type of muscular dystrophy and and needs a bit of help. The guys wife sat for a few mins as they were done eatn as week and went to their truck that was parked next to ours.

They talked in the parking lot for while come to find out.

They guy talked about his dogs and told me stories and looked at pix on my phone and listened to my stories and we talked dogs and hog and hunts and stuff like folks would do on a hunt.
He had a fire in his eyes...
He was a hog hunter.

Well guy got loud, bit of cursing telling his stories, you know how we do...just passionate.

His wife come is after bout 20 mins of her and my mom and son Sitn in parkinglot. And tells him 'honey, these folks got to go, his family is waiting for him in the truck!'
I'm sure the folks around us was ready fer us go leave as cause they was being forced to hear these hunting stories and bout dogs and stuff.

But she went out and then me and the guy walked out still talkin and listening to each other. And he told me one more while she beckoned him to their truck.

I could've talked to the guy for hour and my mom, and of course my son cause he'd a hog hunter to wouldn't have minded. But as we parted ways and I pulled off he hollered out and motioned and I circled back. And he pulled a large goat horn out of his cab. He pulled some hair off it Nd brushed off some dirt. He had obviously recently got it from somewhere or someone. And gave it to me...he said you 'know what this is?' I says it's a blow horn. He started telling me how to make it right. Said he used one all the time when he hunted.
Well, his wife beckoned him again and I expressed my gratitude and we pulled out.

My mom and son and I  thought it was the coolest thing ever...

Now I been lookin at vids on YouTube and tryn figure out how to make craft this raw horn further and make it work without screwing it up so I can use it and and hand it down to my son who was there and is a dogman in the making for sure!

I live the holidays and that is something my so and I will never forget. Esp I'd I can make this horn right. Isn't that a true story of this time if year!???

I'm kicking myself in the pants for not getn his name a number still...but as we rhode of the guy seemed a bit like Santa to my son and I!
I still can't figure out the picture thing but thought it was a cool story
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