Never been lion hunting in my life but I have gotten to know a few real good lion hunters and its been explained to me much like hog hunting in VERY THIN hog country. I compared it to this because they basically use two different styles depending on personal preference. Some run SUPER cold nosed dogs that grub and grind on the slightest of scent (often times days old) and others prefer the more moderate nosed dogs that move any track the have the ability to smell at a good pace and have a vety high "jump" precentage. If a guys likes spending hours upon hours watching dogs walk and grub on a day+ old track with the ultimate reward being seeing their dogs jump that horrific track then I would contact folks that hunt that style and have success. The other style misses the SUPER cold tracks and only open on the tracks they can move and jump. Now its obvious the more moderately nosed dogs will often need to be hunted ovee more country but in a course of a yers time and time lost working tracks all day with no jump the laws of averages work it all out about even. Its been explained to me bt a very successful lion hunter that both styles work and produce evenly but its just whether you'd rather spend that day working a low precentage track or riding looking for a slam dunk.
If I was starting out lion hunting I would ask myself what intetest me more and search out that style of hunter and go from their. Good luck
thats good advice, thanks oconee!!! Im going to take my time figuring it out. I need to weed through these young hog dogs I have to make room in my yard before I get a lion dog. Running cats is illegal in my state but nevada and AZ are close enough to have some fun. I dont want to miss out on the opportunity to run game anymore, now we cant even run bears in Ca, and Im not getting any younger. Its illegal to even posses lion parts like a skull or hide in Ca, Ill probably just run em for fun and not kill to many