I'm not tryn to trounce ya Louie. I wish you luck...
Some things just get my goat.
I know you only asked 500$ a pup for em.
I went back and looked thru your posts and found the breeding.
But you now know it's hard to 'make great dogs, for good homes' when speaking on guardian/protection dogs.
It's a serious thing. The hood is full of great guard dogs right
I know also on a previous post of yours that I responded too about you juvenile presa(I'm figuring the fire to this litter) and your dogo tying up and you talking bout expressing your alpha-ness with a cattle prob to the nut sack to demand your asumption of pack placement and you want two dominant intact male dogs to be able to eat together reliably and coexist much less with a bitch in heat around, that is a pipe dream brother.
As I said earlier it a trainwreck.
I think if you are gonna keep these type dogs around, much less breed them you need to attend some training and handling sessions with a club yourself and I can guarantee they ain't gonna teach you that you can make these two males coexist by shocking em into it and exclaiming to them you are alpha so it must be so...