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Author Topic: Muletape  (Read 3710 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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2 burnin, 6 turnin powered by diesel

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« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2016, 01:10:39 pm »

Id like to know some more about this. Bo of you could elaborate on the way you do it that would be awesome.  I don't get on many hogs but I like to tie them and bring them home alive sometimes.  We mostly just kill them. The last one I tied out of a trap looked like some kindergarten kids did it and on top of that we duck taped that sucker. He made it home but dang I'd like to know how yall pros do it.

tie the tape or small rope into the loop about 18" as he said. when your ready to tie, take the tape/rope and make kind of a half hitch loop and place the open end over the leg, as the hog pulls against the loop, it tightens up more around the the leg, pull the tape/rope and the opposing front or rear leg, depending which end you tied first, and do the same half hitch loop and put it around that leg. with both pieces or tape/rope on all 4 legs, the tape/rope will make an X where they cross each other between the legs. the more the hog struggles and tries to pull its legs apart, the tighter the loop knots get. to take them off, release the tension by pulling a leg towards the X and put a lil slack in the loop and take it off. its nothing fancy, no sheep shank or bolan knots, just a simple half hitch loop. similar to tying a slip knot from a single strand of rope/tape.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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