if you want to breed better dogs out of what you have watch your puppies ...the ones that shows a natural instinct for hunting or just naturally likes a pig ....they will breed more of there own kind ..... most people say cull hard cull hard .... out of a litter you just may cull the best dog for any kind of reason probably the owners fault includeing myself ...I've culled lots of dogs that was probably better than the ones I kept ....... I've been doing this for a long time and I am no expert but if you can get your breeding down to where they all start looking the same litter after litter you'll find they also will have a lot of common desires ....... its not complicated ..... mine perty much all look the same now so now I the one I like the best that was just a natural from start to finish and I breed to try and clone him ...easier to do with males I belive because I can breed one male to 3 gyps and then cross back the offspring then back to him again...... but to start off look at the natural instincts the pups have you can't teach that and they will breed more of there own kind ....
Very good post. You are the first person I heard makeep so many comments about "natural instinct." That is what it's all about. I've read countless comments on these sites about "training dogs." Often it's folks wanting to boost about their training skills and tell how they can "train this and train that" but all the while they are missing the whole concept. I'll be the first to tell you, I can'tell train what I need out of a dog. I have pounced this into my families head and a few weeks ago we were at a dog trial in Tennessee and I over heard my wife asked how we trained our dogs. Ha ha ha. I grinned because I knew exactly what she was going to say. "You just open that brass snap, the rest is up to them." I heard a hounds men that have the upmost respect for put it like this. "The training in over when the male knots the female!"