because if you gonna tought about how to breed dogs then show what you've done ...if you can't its just talk ... I can show over a 100 litter's of dogs from these dogs of mine ...and show after 25 years I have bred them perty true to type ... as I bred through the years watching them my breedings changed I learned about the dogs don't get that talking about what you think ..... your thought process seems to be ahead of your breedings seem absolutely sure of the outcome ....doesn't happen that way .... if you haven't figured out looks in a line is important then you just ain't there yet ....
Parker in 25 years of breeding you line, you started with curs and ended with curs. Your curs perform no better or do not better job than most everyone's best dog on here. You describe your breeding of them the way a show breeder would there dogs, looks. Probably because from the dogs you started with, looks was about all you could change. I mean what did you really change? Did you turn a close range dog into a long range dog. Did you turn a gritty dog in to a loose dog? 25 years worth of breeding dogs and the main thing you say about them is they look alike lol. I'm proud for you and your pretty dogs, maybe you can get them registered and start showing them in the kennel clubs.
You tout your 25 years worth of breeding as though it's some kinda thing you have to do to have good consistent dogs and have made out like I don't know what I'm talking about cause I don't have 25 years of experience. Yet you say you changed where you wanted to go with your dogs half way through and started changing what you was breeding for. Sounds like to me you didn't listen and found out the hard way after so many years of breeding.
Most of the people on this forum find that what dogs like mine do are in conflict with what they have been said can't be done or done long. How you accomplish what these dogs do is by what you put into them. People would see me describe what my dogs do and try to breed for it. Most would breed grey to bull and then be convinced I was full of crap cause there fast cd can't do the things the kinda I run do or they all get killed. There is lots of interest in the kinda dogs I run from people of this forum. I visit with guys that are interested knowing more and what makes this possible. I have guys reach out to me and talk about what they want to breed together to get dogs that can either do crop work or finder holder work. Yeah they want a fast cd, I get that from the beginning as this is main premise for meeting me. I ask them what do you really want to do with these dogs? Hunt crops or finder holder work or just run an rcd with there pack of bay dogs to stop runners. If it's the later I tell them I can't really help them because I believe this just gets rcd injured and eventually killed. If it's finder holder work, we discuss finder holders, what their job is, there mentality, how to hunt them etc but you are not gonna have finder holders without really really knowing what you need and what breeds of dogs to breed from to get this. Crop dogs isn't a tuff to breed for and can be more easily had on the first cross but again the quality of dog and your happiness and confedence in them depend on what you crossed to get this type of dog. The people that reach out and contact me to discuss things before they do it are often glad they did because 1, I urged them to use something a bit different to get what thy want, 2 I tell them how to use the parent stock in the mean time and what to expect from a dog such as a stag, what to look for in a stag etc, 3 how to develop the future dogs, 4 how to hunt them and develop there own style, 5 dispelling the myths which are so ingrained in some people and wide spread. I'll discuss why certain breeds are bad to cross to and why they are the first that we'll intended people go for. Listening to wisdom and experience sure speeds up the process and the learning curve. I listened to my mentors. I got dogs from the first. I had and used the kind of dogs I wanted before ever breeding for them. I already hunted the way I do now before breeding a dog. I consult with my mentors about their wisdom on various breeds and how the blood influences the dogs hunting style, holding style, physical abilities, and manners. The people I consider mentors have years upon years of experience and there own wisdom but they too have there own people that they discuss things with in Australia who also make a living with these types of dogs and have crossed dogs for years and years and know what influences what.
I didn't come by my knowledge from breeding dogs all my life. I knew how I wanted to pig hunt and my intuition and research put me on the right track with the breeds of dogs to use to get what I wanted. During my research before ever starting, I met my mentors I have today which drastically shorted my learning curve. I have no need to breed my own dogs, I am part of something much bigger than myself that has been in place for many many years. The wisdom I share with people here did not just come from my yard or from a friends, it has come from Australia, been proven here by breeding up the dogs we have access to here and now by integrating the Australian blood with our own. I have seen everything which I share. If not on my yard, on my mentors yards. Before developing these types of dogs I run, time was spent in Australia developing first hand experience on the inside and outside of these dogs, hunting abilities and style, catching and holding ability and style, what breeds influence what, running the different cross bred dogs together to see the differences etc. Then bring all that back to the states and applying it. And still to this day continuing the relationship with the Aussie guys.
This is how I know so much. This is how I'm no fool when it comes to breeding for what I want. This is why I can recommend what dogs to cross for people looking for a very usable F1 cross.
I'm into catching pigs, not chasing them. I don't want a yard full of dogs. I wanted 1 out type dogs. I wanted what most on this forum say can't be done. I did my homework before I changed dogs. There are people on this forum interested in the type of dogs I use. There are people interested in not making the same mistakes you did Parker and breeding for something that didn't suit them in the beginning. There are people here that want to catch pigs like me instead of run them like you. There are people here that want 3 dogs on there yard instead of 30. You know little about the type and style of dogs I run but act as if your an expert because you breed some curs that look alike lol.