For me the dog should bay or catch as fast as it can first if it's not successful first second or 3rd try and so on it should keep trying. Now that comes with style you hunt and size of your property and restrictions of your dogs and how you want the dog to hunt. I judge bottom from the first action of baying or trying to catch that's where I feel bottom is noted. Prior to that is range and desire to hunt. I like a super rough catchy dog to have much less bottom then say a loose dog you all know the reason. Any one can say this or that but deep down every one would like to have a dog that would stick to one till the end of time. But in most cases it's not practical. If a dog catches as soon as it gets to the hog ain't much need for bottom it will cause more problems then help. And a loose dog with no bottom is on the other side will up set u when the dog comes back empty handed. Bottom is in the eye of the dog owner to me
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This is a really good post Judge and captures well what I was trying to articulate.